Please grab the Final Mock Exam Here:
Collaboration Station:
SI Session Plan
Session Topic: Final Mock Exam
SI Leader: -
Class: ECO 2023.003
Professor: -
Date: 12/2/18
Students will work together to complete the Final Mock Exam
Icebreaker and Schema Activation:
Description: IB: Name, minor, and any classes your taking next semester that you’re “exited” about? SA: Did the U.S. “win” the “War on Poverty?” - Why, why not?
Estimated Minutes: 10m
Activity A:
Study Skill: Test Prep
Strategy: Mock Exam
CLT: Jigsaw
Description: Students will be split into about five groups, and will be assigned about 6 problems which they will complete, and describe their answer on the etherpad “Collaboration Station”. Afterward they can complete any question they would like.
Estimated Minutes: 15 min
Activity B:
Study Skill: Test Prep
Strategy: Review and discussion
CLT: Jigsaw
Description: Students will review and discuss their answers, other group’s answers, and my “answers”.
Estimated Minutes: 15 min
Alternative Activiy:
Study Skill: N/A
Strategy: N/A
Description: N/A
Estimated Minutes: N/A min
Closing activity:
Description: Which question(s) did you find as the most difficult, and how can you prepare for that on the final exam.
Estimated Minutes: 10